Friday, March 10, 2006


Court Remands 3 Men With Arms
Story: Stephen Sah

The Circuit Court in Accra yesterday remanded three persons arrested by the security agencies for possessing large quantities of AK 47 assault rifles, pistols, grenades and ammunition.Mohammed Abdulai Atakora, a telephone bill distributor, Ernest Adorsoo, a student, and Seth Kumako, self-employed, were charged with conspiracy and possession of firearms and ammunition without lawful authority.Story By Stephen SahThey pleaded not guilty to the charges and are to reappear on June 20, 2005, by which time the police would have completed investigations into the matter. The court also issued bench warrants for the arrest of two accomplices, Maxwell Kudjeo Ketsi, a welder, and Agaga Ekwiey, who are at large.Prosecuting, Chief Superintendent of Police Mr P.A.Sarpong told the court that officers of the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) and the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), upon a tip-off that a group of people were planning to procure arms, mounted an operation on June 2, 2005 to round them up.During the exercise, he said, the three suspects were arrested at Asylum Down in Accra, while the two managed to escape.Mr Sarpong said when their Ford Modeo saloon car, with registration number GR 9908 T, was searched, 36 AK 47 assault rifles, 10 pistols, three boxes of ammunition, 74 packets of pistol ammunition of 7.6 mm, one box of hand grenades and ¢25 million were found.Two bags of rice were also found in the boot of the car.

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