Friday, March 10, 2006

Dutch porn

Dutch porn
Dutch Convicted For Pornography
Story:Stephen Sah
The 62-year-old Dutch, De Graaf Frederick, who was arraigned before an Accra circuit court for luring girls into his hotel room and taking photographs while having sex with them, was yesterday sentenced to a fine of ¢20.5 million.In default, he will go to jail for four-and-a-half years.The convict was also ordered to leave the country by Friday, November 5, 2004.The court further confiscated to the state all electrical gadgets which he used in committing the crime, while all the pornographic pictures and cassettes found in his possession at the time of his arrest should be destroyed by the Ghana Immigration Service.In addition, both the prosecution and the defence agreed that Frederick should compensate each of his five victims with ¢5 million.He was charged with three counts of engaging in obscene activities, possessing indecent materials and deceiving public officers at the Kotoka Airport, but he pleaded not guilty and was remanded by the court.However, at its sitting yesterday, the court convicted Frederick on his own plea after he had changed his plea from not guilty to guilty.His counsel prayed the court not to impose a custodial sentence on the convict because he had been in custody since his arrest and that had taught him a lesson.Counsel said his client was also a first-time offender who was unknown to the law and so the court should be lenient with him.The prosecution said although the convict’s change of plea had shortened the proceedings, the court should use its discretion to pass sentence and reminded the court of Section 35 (2) of the Immigration Act, which stipulates a deportation of foreign nationals who engage in acts of this nature.Frederick was arrested by immigration officials last month for taking video photographs of the girls, without their knowledge, while having sex with them, apparently for commercial purposes.He placed the pornographic pictures he took on the Internet for commercial purposes and paid some of the girls 1,500 euros and others between ¢2 million and ¢5 million. He also bought gifts for some of them.Immigration officials retrieved about three dozen pictures of girls who had fallen victim to the act. Frederick was able to film the girls because he placed the camera at a secret place around a television set in his room, with its focus on the bed, before bringing his victims into the room.He then slotted in an African movie while the romance and sexual acts were going on and because of the strategic positioning of the camera, it was able to capture everything he wanted, without the knowledge of the girls.It is suspected that Frederick had been undertaking similar activities in other countries.Immigration officials did not say whether Frederick was made to undergo an HIV/AIDS. That puts the girls in a tricky situation, because he did not allow the use of condom in most of his sexual engagements.Records at the Immigration Service indicated that Frederick started paying frequent visits to Ghana in 1988, as a “tourist”, and since his last entry on October 4, 2004, he had had sexual engagements with at least 16 girls.In a related development,Frederick was again fined ¢1 million for a similar offence which dated back to 1996 and related to possessing obscene materials

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