Friday, March 10, 2006



‘Acquit My Client’(5/27/2004)
Story:Stephen Sah & Mabel Aku Baneseh

Counsel for Dr Robert Doodoo, the immediate past Head of the Civil Service, who is standing trial at an Accra Fast Track High Court, for wilfully causing financial loss to the state, yesterday asked the court to acquit and discharge him because the prosecution had failed to prove any case against him.The accused was alleged to have authorised to be paid ¢70.8 million for the installation of an elevator for an office annex of the Civil Service between 1993 and 1995. The contractor, on receipt of the money, failed to undertake the job and an audit inspection revealed that the elevator had neither been supplied nor installed.He has pleaded not guilty to the charge of causing financial loss and the court, presided over by Mrs Avril Anin-Yeboah, has admitted him to bail.In his submission of no case to the court, counsel argued that evidence so far adduced by the prosecution did not support the charges, while all the witnesses called by the prosecution had been inconsistent in their testimonies.According to counsel, the prosecution ought to have made available to the court the original contract agreement to determine whether his client acted contrary to its terms or not, but failed to do so.“If it had been bought, it would have supported our contention that the contract payment had to be made before the supply and installation of the elevator machine”, he stated, adding that the machine had to be imported based on specifications sent to the manufacturers.Counsel further argued that the charge of wilfully causing financial loss was not grounded because the accused did not act recklessly, with an evil intent.He asked whether the prosecution could prove that at the time the payment was made, the accused foresaw that the money would be taken away by the contractor.The charge, he argued, would have been appropriate if the accused acted with a deliberate intent that involved taking risk with the payment.

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